Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is an amazing, captivating novel. If you like suspense, and vampires then you will surely fall in love with this book. The characters are interesting and make you want to keep reading with just the simple words that they think and say.
To tell you the truth, I never really liked reading until my best friend recommended it to me. After that, I was instantly attached to this series and it took me a total of two weeks to read all four of these amazing books. I read all day almost non-stop because it keeps you literally wanting more. I was afraid to stop.
Finally when I was on the last book Breaking Dawn I thought that it was going to take awhile just because of all the pages, but when i got to the last chapter, I wanted to stop reading. I didn't want to finish it so soon, I didn't want it to end. I hope that Stephenie Meyer will never stop writing, she is an amazing writer. I wouldn't believe someone who wouldn't want to read this book if it is leaving me sad to see it end, that is how amazing this book is. This was my Ecstasy, the simple thing making me suddenly addicted to reading; a true miracle for me.