Friday, December 12, 2008

Blood and Chocolate

People have different opinions when it comes to books. I like romance and horror, and a few others to boot. But after reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, I found that I would like to look up some books about Werewolves. After looking, I found Blood and Chocolate. This book has romance and some action, the perfect book for me! Vivian, a sixteen year old loup-garou (Werewolf) and The Five who consist of Rafe, Finn, Willem, Ulf, and Gregory. They are the only pack members of Vivian's age and their group used to include another boy called Axel. Vivian starts high school in the new town, where she has no friends because of her reserved and secretive nature; when later meets a boy named Aiden who wrote a poem about werewolves that was surprisingly accurate with regard to their transformation. She soon figures out Aiden is fully human, but she is still attracted to him and pursues a relationship in spite of who she really is. I wish i could continue to tell you about this great book, but this is only a review to make you want to read it. I can tell you that there is a surprise ending! Go on and read it, you will be surprised.

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