Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Giver, by Lois Lowry

Anyone would want to live in a society where there was no violence, poverty, prejudice, or injustice; a perfect world where nothing bad happened and everyone got along. Or would they? Jonas is a 12 year old boy living in a peaceful, Utopian community where every family consists of a mother, father, daughter, and son. However, everyone is the same. They follow strict laws throughout their entire life, and are assigned their lifelong career at the age of just 12 years old. Each family unit is required to share their personal feelings and dinner, and they take pills to take away emotion. When it is time for Jonas to receive his career, his is not like any other. He has the “capacity to see beyond”, and he sees color, which no one else can. Because of this Jonas is assigned to be the “Receiver of Memory”, and The Giver telepathically gives him memories of things eliminated from his world. Jonas’s world quickly falls downhill. Why had emotion and meaning been eliminated from the lives of everyone? Jonas struggles with this and becomes determined to bring truth back into the world. Read The Giver, by Lois Lowery to find out what happens!

1 comment:

Espie said...

This is a great book. I feel so sorry for any Giver. To have to suffer all those memories by themselves.