Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tears of a Tiger

Tears of a Tiger is a compelling story consisting of a phenomenal basketball team that endures in rigorous activities. One day after a basketball game Robert Washington, the star athlete and team captain, decides to go out after the game. He is with three of his closest friends, including his best friend Andy. They were supposed to go get something to eat after the game, and then go see their girlfriends who have patiently been waiting for them. But, they decide to buy some alcohol and drink before they pick up their girl friends. Robert is the driver and Andy is in the passenger seat. Robert becomes dizzy and looses consciousness and crashes into a side barrier on the highway. Robert dies. His friends and his basketball team are in horrific shock. The basketball team tries to help Andy morn the loss of his best friend, but the stress from Robert's death is too much to bear.

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